Year of the Fire Monkey

Happy Chinese New Year from M & R Acupuncture!


Chinese New Year is celebrated on the second new moon each year after the winter solstice.  This Chinese lunar year, we are entering the time of the fire monkey.


The monkey is a very important figure in Chinese mythology.  He is featured as the Monkey King in many folk stories and is mostly known as being brave, ingenious and resourceful while also being erratic, irrepressible and selfish.


What does this mean for you?  This year it is important to correlate your own Chinese astrological sign with the nature of the monkey.  Overall it is important to see yourself as a brave monkey hero that is relentless during adversity.


Below is a link for a well-researched article on how each Chinese astrological sign interacts with the year of the fire monkey:

Year of the Fire Monkey


Originally published February 9, 2016.